We offer financing through Foundation Finance!

Fill out our credit application and get a decision in less than 48 hours!
Credit Approval Tiers

Perfect Credit Not Required!
Make Foundation Finance your go-to source for consumer home improvement and renovation financing. Whether you are looking to finance new flooring and appliances, or a full remodel, we can help. We work with customers with super-prime, prime, near prime, and subprime credit to meet all your financing needs!
Tier 1: Super-Prime
It takes years of hard work and impeccable payment history to earn a super prime credit status and with that effort comes reward. With super prime credit, you may qualify for instant approvals and receive the best annual percentage rates and promotions.

Tier 2: Prime
Perfect credit isn’t built in a day, but Prime Plus customers are well on their way. If you have strong payment history, credit mix, and FICO scores, you still will have access to great financing benefits with competitive interest rates.
Tier 3: Near Prime
There’s more to a person than their credit score. Our financing decisions consider the details to discover how blemishes on a credit report or a limited credit history impact an applicant’s ability to qualify for financing. We consider customers with FICOs as low as 600 for financing.